The pit viper is one of the deadliest snakes in the world and has venomous fangs. They are very aggressive, and you will die within a minute if they attack you. Knowing the different types of pit vipers is essential because only then will you be able to identify them and save yourself.
Here we are sharing some important details about the different types of pit viper easter post that will help you to identify them and take precautions.
Coral snakes
The Coral snake is one of the common types of pit viper. It is also known as the Pacific rat snake. It has a red or orange colored body with a white stripe along the back. Its size is small, and has a dark brown or yellowish-brown colored head. The head is covered with a pattern of black spots. It also has a yellowish-orange colored tongue.
The Rattlesnake is a non-venomous species of pit viper. It is found in North America. Its name is derived from the fact that rattles can be heard when it moves its tail. It has a dark brown or black body with a bright white band on the neck. It has a broad head with a triangular shape.
The Fer-de-lance is also known as the Death Adder. It is a non-venomous snake, and it is found in South America. It is known for its bright green body and long body. The Fer-de-lance has a dark brown or greyish-black colored head, and it has black eyes.
Identifying these types of pit vipers will help you to save yourself from deadly attacks. I have also mentioned some preventive measures for all of you.